Super brave volunteers clean up Beach Road HDB unit nicknamed 'Kingdom of Cockroaches'

Cockroaches not even paying rent.

Mandy How | October 21, 2019, 02:39 PM

A cockroach-infested flat in Beach Road has received a much needed clean-up from welfare organisation Keeping Hope Alive.

Dozens of intrepid volunteers descended on the apartment on Oct. 20, 2019.

A middle-aged man, along with what seems like a few thousand critters, lives in the apartment.

The infestation was so severe that the unit was dubbed "kingdom of cockroaches".

Kingdom of cockroaches

At first sight, mounds of rubbish are strewn all over the place.

Little floor space is visible.

Upon closer inspection, plenty of cockroaches are busy making themselves at home, scuttling among the rubbish and going about their day.

Some volunteers let out mild shrieks and began stamping on the pests.

Perhaps to compensate for the horror, parts of the 11-minute video was hilariously edited to make it look like the volunteers were tap dancing their way through the clean-up.

Here are some particularly off-putting scenes:

Warning: Graphic images ahead

One corner of the house appears to be a rather cosy enclave:

Likely a mix of cockroach corpses and dirt:

Sweeping up the corpses:

At one point, a volunteer says, "I don't know how the uncle lives here, we can't even bear to look at it."

"These are his long-time friends," another volunteer replies.

Here are more snippets from their day:

And here's the result of their hard work:

The volunteers also gave the apartment a fresh coat of paint.


Be a volunteer?

If you would like to join Keeping Hope Alive as a volunteer, simply turn up at Blk 90 Pipit Road this Sunday (Oct. 27).

The volunteers gather at 7:30am and wear white.

If you would like to bring some friends with you, the group welcomes it too.

Original post here:

Top image by Rich Sng via Keeping Hope Alive on Facebook